(set #nomui (cat "\n\nAmIRC uses Magic User Interface (MUI).\n\nThe installer has not found MUI: to be assigned, "
"therefore you AmIRC will not work correctly. You will need to install "
"MUI before running AmIRC."
(set #whereAmIRC "Where do you wish to install AmIRC. A directory called 'AmIRC' will be created if one is not there. If a copy of AmIRC is found it will be backed up.")
(set muiver "No Version Installed")
(set #newermui "\nAmIRC needs version 3.6 or higher of MUI installed to work correctly.\n\nNow would be a good time to Upgrade!\n\nYou can find mui33usr.lha on Aminet in dev/gui\n\nIt looks like you have: \n\n")
(set #need-os "\n\nThe 68020 version of AmIRC needs version 3.0 or higher of the Amiga OS installed to work correctly.\n\n It looks like you have: \n\n")
(set #000used "\n\nThe 68000 version will be installed.")
(set #filethere1 "\n\nThe installer has found AmIRC version ")
(set #filethere2 " at ")
(set #filethere3 "\n\nThe file will be renamed to ")
(set #filethere4 " and it will then be moved to ")
(set #backuptoXXX "Back-UP to file named 'AmIRC")
(set #copyover "Copy Over Old Version")
(set #AmIRCfound "\nThe Installer has found a copy of AmIRC already installed. What do you want to do?\n")
(set #askcpu "\nCPU Check: What CPU does the machine have that you are installing AmIRC on? The installer has found:\n")
(set #newicon "\nDo you wish to copy over The AmIRC Icon from the archive? If you have any ToolTypes already set you should select no.\n")
(set #nonewicon "No - ToolTypes already set.")
(set #yesnewicon "Yes - Copy over Icon.")
(set #pickicon "\nAmIRC has 3 different icons you can use choose from. Which one would you like to use?\n")
(set #nomultiview (cat "The installer could not find multiview or you are running on a 2.x Amiga. "
"The AmIRC Installer will let you choose between 3 different icon to use. Their "
"You can use a picture viewer to look at the '3Icons.iff' to see the choices side-by-side, "
"or you can just look in the drawer from where you are installing AmIRC from."
(set #whatcat "Select the AmIRC Language catalog you wish to install.")
(set #wherecat "\nWhere do you wish to install the AmIRC Language Catalog? Default is ")
(set #catnofind "Can not find this catalog in this AmIRC archive. You may need to get the complete archive from the support site.")
(set #whatdocs "\nWhat AmIRC documentation would you like to install?\n")
(set #wheredocs "Where would you like the AmIRC documentation you selected to be installed?")
(set #nofounddocs "\n\nThe Docs that are listed below, from the ones that you selected, were not found in the AmIRC archive. You may need to get the complete archive from the support site.")
(set #whatrexx "What AREXX Commands would you like to install? They will be placed in ")
(set #notinthisarc "(* = Not found in this archive.)")
(set #rexxsize1 ". There is about ")
(set #rexxsize2 "K total of AREXX scripts.\n")
(set #rexx1 "Away - Away/Back script")
(set #rexx2 "Finger - AmiTCP finger script")
(set #rexx3 "Leave - Leave a channel w/msg")
(set #rexx4 "WallChop - Message all Chops on a channel")
(set #rexx5 "SendBrowser - Sends URLs to Broswers")
(set #rexx6 "ntalk - Run NTalk")
(set #whatsnd "\nWhat Sounds would you like to install? They will be placed in ")
(set #sndsize1 ". There is about ")
(set #sndsize2 "K total of Sound files.\n")
(set #snd1 " Gost Set")
(set #snd2 " Sandro Set")
(set #snd3 " Smkn Set")
(set #whatsub "\nWhat Submissions would you like to install? They will be placed in ")
(set #subsize1 ". There is about ")
(set #subsize2 "K total of Submissions files.\n")
(set #sub1 " Extra Icons")
(set #sub2 " Extra ARexx Scripts")
(set #sub3 " Toolmanager Animbrush")
(set #oktodelete1 "\nIs it ok to delete the older AmIRC binary so that the AmIRC Directory can be made?\n")
(set #oktodelete2 "\nIs it ok to delete the older _renamed_ AmIRC binary so that the AmIRC Directory can be made?\n")
(set #ifyoulike (cat "\n\nIf you like AmIRC you might want to take a look at AmFTP. It Includes the following:\n\nHigh speed asynchronous transfers for maximum efficiency, "
"Batch download facility, Resume partially received files, FTP-Server Phonebook, Full ADT Support, Full ARexx support, Archie search engine, "
"and much more!\n\nAmFTP can be found on Aminet in comm/tcp or\nhttp://www.vapor.com/amftp/"
(set #updatingmuic "\nUpdating the MUI Classes if needed.\n\n(#?.mcc & #?.mcp)")
(set #newermui "\nAmIRC needs version 3.8 or higher of MUI installed to work correctly.\n\nNow would be a good time to Upgrade!\n\nYou can find the new MUI on Aminet in util/libs\n\nIt looks like you have: \n\n")
(set #nompc "\nThe .MCC files for AmIRC can not be installed to 'mui:libs/mui'")